Section I : Introspect

In the first section of Lyrical Therapy: Dynamic Perspectives we go to a vulnerable place where only the truth resides. In my journey of growth I have found it beneficial to face the truth of my past to reconcile with my present state. We all have something that we are facing but at times we find ways to avoid it. Whether it be the TV series we watch, social media, our mobile devices or even our own social lives — we find distractions. These distractions lead us to further ourselves from what is really happening within. How often do you ask yourself the tough questions?

Why am I here?

What is my purpose?

Who am I ?

How did I get here?

Who is in control of my destiny?

These are the questions that we often times avoid because they carry the weight of our existence. In a world where we adorn the vain it is time that we look into ourselves for answers. The world has been deceiving us for far too long, its time to confront ourselves with the truth.

There is healing in introspection, there is also a harsh reality that comes along with it. If you are going to deal with everything else you might as well deal with yourself.



